Driver-Facing Cameras Save Lives… But May Invade Privacy
Not long ago we posted a blog about how trucking companies are using the latest technology in order to save lives on the road. This technology, when properly used, is incredibly effective to reduce the number of truck accident deaths on our highways and roadways. One section mentioned the use of cameras, both facing outward and inward.
Those cabcams, or driver-facing cameras, use artificial intelligence and pick up on various cues in order to cut down on dangerous driver behavior: fatigue and distraction being the biggest two. But many trucking companies are pushing back saying it’s an invasion of privacy to have these cameras constantly monitoring the truck driver.
This technology helps to reduce trucking accidents, but it’s still not perfect. If you have been involved in a trucking accident, you need to speak with Zach Herbert or Brian Eberstein from Herbert & Eberstein. As your truck accident attorney in Texas, he can help you receive the compensation you need.
How a Cabcam Detects Driver Fatigue or Distraction
There are a handful of companies that use sophisticated AI software and cameras to help monitor the drivers as they rumble down the road. This software watches for cues like eye movement, body position, yawning, and more to determine how alert the driver is.
When a driver is discovered to be fatigued or otherwise posing a risk behind the wheel, he or she is alerted. Some will alert the driver, while some will alert the parent company and they can take action if necessary.
While not perfect, many of these companies boast outstanding numbers well into the double digit percentages on how many instances are reduced. Bison Transport claims after implementing these cameras, there was a 97% reduction in cell phone use while driving.
Why Trucking Companies Don’t Like Driver-Facing Cameras
The biggest reason: privacy issues.
While there are more truck drivers than ever out there, it’s still not enough to keep up with the demand. Companies that own large fleets don’t want to turn off the already small group of prospects by having these cameras that watch the drivers literally the entire time they are at work.
Many don’t like these cameras, despite the fact that it makes them safer drivers and reduces the likelihood of trucking accidents. Furthermore, there have been drivers that have been cleared of blame and liability by reviewing the cameras and discovering the driver was not actually at fault.
Talk with Herbert & Eberstein after a Truck Accident
When it comes down to it, being involved in a truck accident is going to be terrible. The more cameras there are on the roads, the easier it will be to discover what exactly happened and who needs to be held accountable. These cameras make the entire justice process more efficient, and swifter. That means if you have been injured, you will be compensated faster and more effectively when there’s easy to review video evidence of what happened.
If you have been in a truck accident, you need to have truck accident attorneys Zach and Brian on your side. With the experience necessary, he can help to ensure your compensation doesn’t just scratch the surface, but covers every need that could arise in the future.
Call Herbert & Eberstein at 800-653-7246 for your free, no obligation, consultation. Or, simply fill out the contact form, and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.